
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Seeing my GP

The day after my talk with the radiologist, August 19, I went for a regular yearly appointment to see my GP.  I'd been pretty calm though this entire thing, but walking into the waiting room I started to get shaky.  To this day, I have no idea why as I knew he had nothing new to tell me.  I've been seeing this doctor yearly because I suffer from pretty severe migraines, and he's been a nice guy and an understanding doctor.

But, walking in I felt like I was facing a bullet.

Maybe I shouldn't have said I didn't know why.  I depend on the medications he gives me for migraines to function.  Without them, I'd be a pain-wracked barfing ball unable to even get out of bed.  Maybe, somewhere deep inside, I was afraid he'd say, "You have cancer, you have to live without your Imitrex now."

He didn't.

He said he'd set up a biopsy for me, and I asked for a copy of my radiology report, which he gave me.  I have crossed out the harder medical terminology and replaced it with real words for you cancer-free folk.

"A radiopaque X-ray blocking BB was placed on jammed into the right breast in the area of palpable abnnormality. lump that you can feel. The breast parenchyma  tissue is heterogeneously varied and dense, which decreases sensitivity the ability of the equipment to find boo-boos..   An irregular density funny shaped lump that looks like cancer lies in the right breast in the region of palpable abnormality same place you can feel it, approximately in the 7:00 position bottom right.  Associated calcifications Smaller potential cancer areas are noted.  The left breast contains several large, round, equal density masses, which most likely represent cysts. a cyst farm.

Targeted ultrasound was performed of both breasts.  In the right breast, in the 7:00 position bottom right is an irregular solid mass with posterior shadowing. cancer. This measures 2.3 x 1.3 x 2 cm.  In the 8:00 position of the right breast are two simple appearing cysts measuring 2.4 x 1 x 1.7 cm and 1.5 x .08 x 1.7 cm.  The left breast contains multiple single appearing cysts  a cyst farm.  The largest in the 12:00 position top measures 3.4 x 1.3 x 3.3 cm.

Impression:  The palpable lesion in the right breast at 7:00 corresponds to an irregular solid mass which is concerning for malignancy.  Recommend an ultrasound-guided biopsy for definitive evaluation.  Simple appearing cysts in both breasts."  We think that lump is cancer.  Better get it checked out.  Ignore the cyst farm.

Oddly enough, a couple of days after my doctor's appointment, I got this wonderful notification from the radiology company, that stated, in part:

"The result of you (sic) Breast Imaging exam demonstrates a finding that requires cyst aspiration/biopsy at this time.  This does not necessarily mean that there is a serious problem in your breast, but immediate follow up is necessary."

Oh, really?

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