
Friday, March 26, 2010

A Nice Story

In the interests of full disclosure: I'm suddenly being inundated with SEO/Social Media companies wanting me to post information for their clients. I don't know what list I got on - this is, for the most part, a personal blog and has little authority with google. These people also offer nothing in return for posting their stuff, not even a backlink that might make me famous, so I say, if it doesn't help me, why should I?

I'm selfish like that.

But, the clip I'm going to post today, sappy as the production value is, also shows the goodness of human beings and it did "touch my heart." I thought what is happening in this community only happened in Amish communities,where they really have nothing else to do.

With all the negative news we are subjected to, with all the anger and distrust in the world as many of us experience it, especially right now, I thought this story might give some of you a feel-good moment.

And, as the news babe says, "Giving is its own reward."

So, here you go. My apologies to kindle readers:


  1. Oh my gosh....(tear running down my face) people helping people - sure puts any problems in my life pale in comparision...this video and the struggles you are going are such a strong woman Ann!

    angel sue

  2. Hi Sue! I'll probably watch this show - what a nice family and great community. But, it's people like YOU who make this world go 'round.

  3. LOVE it. I'm such a sucker for a feel-good story like that.

    BTW, how are you getting so much publicity? DO TELL... a girl like me'd kill for some. Or is it just 'cause you're so prolific?



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