
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring has sprung

Blooms are on the almond trees. Daffodils reach their sunny faces to the sky. Birds sing and here in Sacramento, the temperature has reached 70 degrees. New plants are poking their way through the warming earth.

I've planted some cat grass so my indoor cat can also experience the pleasures of spring.

And, that is not all that is coming up.

No, it's not pretty. It doesn't really resemble hair yet, but it does resemble that freshly seeded cat grass. If you look at the container straight down, all you can see are bald spots and cold earth. However, look at it from a different angle, and it's a sea of green.

(Or, in my case, white)

At the same time my hair is struggling to come in, my lashes are brows are falling out. I still have some, but about 1/4 of what was there before. I hear it's common with chemo to have them fall out towards the end, right when your hair starts coming back. Having black eyebrows has helped because although there are fewer hairs - you can still see them. Even as they fall out, I see new growth coming in, so maybe I won't lose them completely.

Spring is here.

I hope by summer I can get the lawn mower out.

But not before I bring out the dye bottle.



  1. I love your analogy of hair growth and springtime! Your hair will be in full bloom before you know it. Hang tight, and enjoy the new growth!

  2. Well, virgin hair. Never been dyed, never been permed. Fresh start, just like spring. Woo hoo!

  3. Took me two visits to realise that the plantpot didn't have an eye-design on it and that that was the thing that inspired you to the picture...


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