
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A New Site for Breast Cancer Survivors

I want to let you know about a new site out there for breast cancer survivors, from Latest Medical. Latest Breast Cancer is called by the company, "a one-of-a-kind website for patients and survivors."

The site provides access to the latest news and research on tests, procedures, drugs, and lifestyle options for women with breast cancer. Currently, there is a subscription model ($35.00 a year) that filters data based on your pathology report or current situation so you can see what is applicable to you alone - but they also provide lots of great information for free.

It has articles for those just beginning to treatment as well as for those who have long finished it. When I first saw it, I know I spent an hour clicking through and reading research and abstracts, and I hadn't done that in a long time.

They are also keeping a blog, so you can get medical research in one place. Here is the blog for those interested.

Here is the best part. As an exclusive offer to But Doctor I Hate Pink Readers - The first 20 people who comment - yes 20! - will get a subscription! So, here is yet another contest for you while we are waiting for my biopsy results! Post a comment here to win a chance at an insider peek into Latest Medical, Breast Cancer.


And, if you have not already, please "like" me on facebook. On google followers, I have 169 followers now, which drives me crazy. I need one more! And, see that plus 1 thingy down there? Click it! I don't know what it does, but I think you should click. Thanks!)


  1. What a great resource for us all. Would love to have a subscription to this. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I would also love a subscription! Awesome site.

  3. Very cool website! I'm going to bed shortly but will definitely be checking this out some more. Thanks for sharing! =)

  4. What a great website! Lots of wonderful info.

  5. Sounds great! I like the idea of customized information based on pathology. There are so many variations of breast cancer.

  6. Would absolutely love a subscription!

  7. Whoops- my blog name was spelled incorrect in the last post!! This one should be right!

  8. Well I clicked on the plus 1 thingy and became utterly confused? Don't understand what I was supposed to do.

    However, I will 'like' you on facebook, the 169 would be bugging me also!

  9. I would love a subscription! By the way - my thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow.

    Lisa Salter

  10. What a great idea! I like that you can have the info sorted by pathology. I'd love to win a subscription. Thanks :)

    PS: Sending lots of positive thoughts your way today

  11. Cool site! Waiting for scan results sucks.

    Shelli G.
    The Dirty Pink Underbelly

  12. Thanks for the site. Its nice to know we are not alone in this fight.

    Joann M

  13. Thank you for sharing the site. There are so many out there that are bad or misleading. Its nice to find a good one.

  14. Thank you for sharing this - I wish you peace as you wait for the biopsy :)

  15. As always...great post. Have you in my thoughts and prayers as you are waiting for results.

  16. Great web site !


  17. I'd love to have a subscription for this site! As I may have told you I stil have been unable to access the new adjuvant so this would be awesome! Thanks Ann! (and I clicked the plus thingy too!)

  18. is my e-mail address

  19. Hi Ann,
    I would love a subscription. I hope your biopsy news is swift and as positive as possible so you can whip cancer into shape. Thanks for letting us know about the site.

  20. Anne, I would love a subscription too! I hope you're doing well. Still praying for you. My email is

    Thanks so much!!

  21. Shucks, I don't think I made the first 20 but thank you for letting us know about this new resource. I had extensive high grade DCIS and am eager to follow any new developments in treatment. (I opted out of both post-mastectomy radiation and Tamoxifen; I fell into a category of women for which recurrence rates are not well-tracked.)


  22. Praying for a good biopsy report for you

  23. am I too late for the subscription?
    Hope your biopsy results are clear!

  24. Wow, we got to 20 really fast! Well, guess what? Everybody who posted up to KindleKathy will get the free subscription.

    Please email abegun [at] latestmedical [dot]com and she will give you your password.

    Off to the biopsy!

  25. By up to, I mean including, KindleKathy, of course. :)

  26. I'm probably too late, but I want to thank you for offering this contest and for alerting your readers to this great resource. We can always use more sites that give us relevant and up-to-date information. I do pray your biopsy results are totally clear. And I'm liking you on facebook.
    All the best, Jan

  27. Always late for the party, that's me ;-) -- but thanks so much for sharing the info! Liked you on Facebook as well -- and here's wishing all the very best of health and wellness to you during this time of waiting....

  28. YES! if you have any subcriptions left, I'd love to be included! Thanks! Thinking of you!

  29. Sounds like an interesting site with some helpful information!! Thanks for posting and would love a subscription!!!

  30. Its an interesting site with some helpful information!! The things you post are very exclusive and i cannot find anywhere else over the net.I 'm regular visitor of your blog.


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