
Friday, June 6, 2014

Grad in the media

Facebook followers know that my son graduated high school on Wednesday - the day I have long-awaited and struggled to see. I'm not ignoring my blog readers though, I really do plan to describe it for you.  I was tired after graduation and yesterday, I had a relaxing day of IV Perjeta and Herceptin.  Today I rested in my PJs.  Tomorrow, my son has two parties and needs a ride, and Sunday I have to take him shopping for his trip to Alaska, as well as take him to another party.   Monday I have a PET scan to see if cancer has progressed, so expect it mid-week sometime.

I've been getting dressed far too often these days, let me tell you.

Here is a hint:  Graduation Day was a perfect day....almost. Of course, as always, life threw in a little twist, a little stink bomb as it were, just enough to show me who is boss. That little reminder happened at the end of the day and caused me to lose sleep, which explains the PJs. I have trouble sleeping at chemo, not sure why, so today I caught up.

In the meantime, for your reading pleasure, here is a story our local news did on me and my son. Not only did it appear in writing but also in a news segment. (Which I can't seem to embed, sorry.)

How did they find me?  My son was on the science bowl team that won the national competition and was being covered by Lindsay Brauner, a media personality with a beautiful face and matching soul.  She discovered me as I retweeted her article about his success.  She read my story and asked to film us. Because I always try to represent the metastatic canceristas out there, all of whom have goals and some with children we want to finish raising, I said yes.  Cancer isn't always about survivors and pink, as we know all too well.  But it is about living while you can and appreciating what you have.

I'll share our graduation experience with photos (ones that pretend I have a chin) soon.

Quickly, I want to say thank you to Lindsay who has been supportive of Mira Loma and the Science Bowl team - it's rare to find somebody in the media who understands that covering smart kids is as important as covering athletes or killers.  What can I say about James Hill, my friend, who is in the news segment? He deserves his own page.  His own blog.  He has mentored countless successful people, including my son, and I'm forever in his debt.

But more on all that later.   For now, I just will leave it at:



  1. I follow you blog and fb page, u replied to me when my best friend was diagnosed with tripple negative, sadly she passed last Christmas, I am so very pleased that you got to see your son graduate, I know how importamyis was for you as a mumxx lots of love to you from Jenny in the UK. Xxx

  2. Jenny, I remember you. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. It must have been a terrible loss. Thank you.

  3. Thank you Ann, before your blog I was so misinformed about this disease, as are so many, I was a "wear a pink bra" in October kind of gal ! I now find this insensitive and inappropriate. Jenny x

  4. You need to update your bucket list! Fantastic news for everyone!

    1. True! I did a little. The city of Solvang has invited us to spend the night so we need to schedule that. That'll be another thing crossed off the list!

  5. Congratulations, Ann, on this wonderful day. Congratulations to both you and your son for all your accomplishments. So glad to see that you both were featured in the media. This is truly fantastic news. Best wishes to you all. :-)

  6. Ann, congratulations to your son, to you, and your entire family. This is fantastic news.

  7. Hi Ann,
    I am so happy that graduation was perfect; well, as you said, almost perfect anyway. I can feel your mama pride coming through whenever you write about your dear son. He sounds amazing! Congratulations to your whole family. I'm happy for you all. xx

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I noticed the same thing yesterday! I don't belong to FB, but I can see people's FB page and read them; I just can't make comments. But what Joanne is saying is correct. There are no recent posts showing on your FB page.

    2. I deleted Joanne's comment per her request because she'd put her email in the post. But she commented on my facebook page timeline disappearing. I have contacted facebook about it as it is an issue on their end. I hope they fix it soon! You can see posts from yesterday and today but nothing from the past.....

  9. Oh, Ann. You're beautiful. Truly, truly beautiful. And the news clip made me cry. Sweet!


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